I must apologize for my extended absence from the blogging world. Granted, I never contributed anything truly edifying or life changing, but in the off chance that someone misses these pseudo meaningless posts, here's a little video for you.
And here's a little something for the close of summer. Before it's completely gone, take a moment to enjoy it. Enjoy a good book, or go camping, or bird watching, or supporting the space program, or whatever it is you do to unwind. Take a deep breath and waste a little time on yourself.
Someday I'll write about something terribly important. But until then, I've got a lot of pictures to post.
And here's a little something for the close of summer. Before it's completely gone, take a moment to enjoy it. Enjoy a good book, or go camping, or bird watching, or supporting the space program, or whatever it is you do to unwind. Take a deep breath and waste a little time on yourself.
Someday I'll write about something terribly important. But until then, I've got a lot of pictures to post.
Thanks for the space program plug, hee hee!! Nice video, was that you? :0)
I love your posts you guys... thanks for the laughs!
That HAS to be a trick photography.
Thanks so much for the continuation of your "Monday" picture posts. I've missed them!
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