Friday, December 12, 2008

The Longest Day...

Today has seemed like an exceptionally long day, perhaps it was because I was working on the most boring project ever. Well actually the project overall is cool but what I was doing was not. I just need some time to relax and let my brain rest and so I thought I would enter the world wide web and vegetate for a while. I know it seems strange to be sitting here writing, but I have always found writing to be very relaxing, somewhat like reading a good book. When you're done you kind of have an overall feel of relaxation even if you can't remember all of the details of what you just accomplished. Anyway I'm sorry if this is sounds a little out of it, I'm not very good at hiding my tiredness. Steve and I are doing well-Thanks dad for wishing us good luck on our finals, we really need it this time. As previously mentioned we are amidst the field of finals that manages to creep in around this time of year, but things are looking up, it seems as if we will actually pass all of our classes this semester. Now some of our grades hinge on finals, which I really don't think is fair if you've been going to the class all semester and doing the homework, but I am pretty confident that if we study up these next few days we can blow them out of the water. Other than that we've just been working. I've been slipping in as many hours here and there as I can and we're just doing our normal thing...nothing much to report. Sorry this wasn't a very exciting entry, I guess I didn't really have much to say, but it was relaxing (mission accomplished). I think now I will take a short nap and then get up and start prepping for finals. I have work tomorrow so I won't be able to do as much studying as I wanted tomorrow, so I must do it tonight. Ah well, thus is life. I hope everyone else is doing well, and good luck with life this next week!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Good luck!! Finals are always so exhausting. But you are almost there! Hope everything goes well, and over Christmas you can get some REST!! Love you guys tons, take care!!